Monday, August 27, 2012


Seems like most Monday's I start out feeling this way. I want to sleep in on the weekdays and get up super early on the weekends when it's my time. Seems crazy, but if I could just stay up for 72 hours from Friday through Sunday I'd be good. Guess that's why during the week it's best to get a good nights sleep.

I seem to get my best results sleeping soundly by reading till my eyes can't stay open, turning off the light and going to sleep. Unfortunately, I'm addicted to some of my comedy shows on my iPad, Louie C.K., Jim Gaffigan, and Aziz Ansari. Each of which are available for $5 DRM free from their respective sites. Louie started the concept and I think it's worked pretty well for all three, but I'm not sure. I think it works mainly if you've got a huge following and your 1000 true fans not only support you but are also way more than 1000. If you haven't checked out their concerts I highly recommend them. Jim Gaffigan is the most family friendly, with Aziz being next but not really and the Louie C.K. is hilarious and thought provoking but definitely crude in an amazingly spectacular phenomenal way.

Bring on the Monday coffee carafe!

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