Friday, August 31, 2012

Convention Crowds

I think there's something about going to a convention and being so wrapped up in activities that you barely ever sleep and then rush out of your hotel room to get to your first game neglecting to take care of personal hygiene. Gamer Funk is what I've heard it referred to, at least at the conventions I've attended, Gen Con and Origins. I'm not sure if it holds true for PAX or San Diego Comicon, since I haven't been to either yet. Hopefully both someday. I've heard the term Con Crud as well, but I think that's reserved for the sharing of germs between attendees.

For those attending PAX this weekend, I hope you have a blast! Maybe I'll see you there next year!


  1. Then the mysterious sickness you get after cross contaminating with thousands of people is Con Crud.

    The worst I ever experienced was a magic prerelease back in the Kamigawa block where there were maybe 400 people crammed in and the AC went out. They literally moved from that venue to a hockey rink after that - presumably for the cooling.

  2. Oh man that would be brutal. Heat always ramps up the fermentation.
