Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Benjamin Forthwright

Yikes, what to talk about with this guy looming overhead? Worst bar patron ever? Bar stool comfort? Tighty whitey stylin'?

Yep, none of that really works. How about, the end of this month the Mists of Panderia expansion comes out for World of  Warcrack Warcraft. I'm definitely looking forward to when it drops but I don't think I'll take a week off work like I did with Cataclysm and try and pace out my enjoyment a bit more. I might even attempt to level up my rogue strictly via pvp. There's something about a bit of pvp that, at the end of a rough day, is really cathartic even when you're on the losing side. The key is to be grouped up with friends and relish in the small picture even while the large group is getting smeared. Smeared because they don't fight on flags or protect the flag carrier or spend 15 minutes fighting in the middle of Warsong Gulch... ok, sometimes it's difficult, but if you can fight through the lunacy it can be pretty fun.

The other game I'm looking forward to, is Borderlands 2. I'll probably pick it up a few weeks after it launches and try and get my thumb to be a bit more accurate with the Xbox version. I really liked Borderlands but I just never got good enough to get too absorbed, I'm still used to driving and aiming with the mouse. Even with my poor skills it's still a blast to play. 

After 32 hours of gaming sometimes it's pretty easy to feel like you want to start chewing your toes.

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